Monday, February 24, 2014

Sex Trafficking

Sex Trafficking in Georgia
Josh Shapiro

The definition of sexual trafficking is the trade of human beings to other people for usually the purpose of sexual purposes or slavery purposes.  Last year, not too far away, a man named Joaquin Mendez-Hernandez was arrested and accused of sex trafficking.
Hernandez would have shacks in the back of his house where the women would sit in their bed and wait for a paying man to come through and have sex with them.  As the article from CNN says, Hernandez would make the women lay on their stomach and jump on their back if they got pregnant so that the baby would be killed.  The article also stated that he did other horrible things such as not let the women eat or drink anything until they had had sex with forty or more men.  Hernandez was involved with about 25 other men who were in the trade and constantly shipping women back and forth between their farms to have sexual intercourse with many different men.  Hernandez received life in prison and from the money he had earned, he was forced to give $705,000 to them.  Every since seeing the movie "Taken", sexual trafficking has scared me because it is so real.  I never thought that it was true or happened or even happened in this country but it is real and very close.  Many people, including myself have thought in the past that sexual trafficking only occurs in other countries because we really do not hear about it as much on the news.  Boy, are we all dead wrong.  
This map shows sexual trafficking throughout the world and there are many countries that are not reported and very low but we are listed as higher than both of those.  Even though we are listed as low, that is still unacceptable.  To get it under control, it need to be very low.  The best way to prevent sexual trafficking is to make people aware of what is going on.  Show people brochures, make people research it, or joining an anti-sexual trafficking group are just a few of the many ways the Katie Couric said can prevent sexual trafficking.  
Although there are many ways to prevent sexual trafficking, we can only hope to reduce the number of victims.  There is no way of completely stopping what these bad people do but there are things we can do to support past victims and survivors of the sex trade.  We can send them to school, give them a supportive home and loving environment, and give jobs or work opportunities to them.  There are many ways we can give back to the poor victims of these horrible people.

1. Savannah Morning News, "Savannah federal judge sentences man to life in sex-trafficking case." Last modified February 20, 2014. Accessed February 25, 2014.
2. Ray, Sanchez. CNN, "Southeast sex-trafficking case exposes horrors of the trade." Last modified Febuary 19, 2014. Accessed February 25, 2014.
3. Shared Hope International, "What is Sex Trafficking?." Last modified Febuary 25, 2014. Accessed February 25, 2014.
4. Katie, Couric. Katie Talk that Matters, "Take Action: Ways to Stop Human Trafficking." Last modified January 14, 2014. Accessed February 25, 2014.
5. Stephanie, Holmes. BBC News, "Trafficking: A very modern slavery." Last modified February 15, 2008. Accessed February 25, 2014.

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