Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Average Masturbation

Average Masturbation
Josh Shapiro

Have you ever wondered what the opposite sex masturbates to, when they do it, how often they do it, or if they even do it at all?  Well in my opinion, the biggest mystery of my life was if women masturbated because every single woman will swear up and down that they would never do such a thing.  Well it is proven that 92% of women masturbate about three times a week but consider it private one on one sessions with themselves.  Also an interesting fact is that the number was only 62% in 1953 so this means that a lot of women have fallen victim to the new sexual norms of the 60’s and 70’s.  This number will only increase as women continue to experiment more and more with themselves and others.  Now onto the masturbation of men due to the fact that it is much more common than women.  It is found that 98% of men all have masturbated at least one time in their lives.  Another interesting fact is that 12.2% of men who are married and over the age of 70 admit to masturbating instead of sleeping with their partners.  Men on average masturbate about 12 times per month and women are only around 4.7 and this was a college undergraduate study so people our age.  85% of men and about 60% of women have admitted to masturbating even though they were living with a sexual partner in the past 60 days.  I was actually surprised by the next stat because it says that only 28% of men masturbate more than once a week.  I would have sworn that it was more than that.  Only 5% of men and 11% of women have never masturbated once in their lives.  What are they thinking?? Some people ask questions such as is masturbating too much a thing or are all the myths about masturbating true?
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The answer to this is no.  You can do it as many times and however you want to as long as you do not hurt yourself in the process.  There are ways such as choking yourself right at orgasm and this is obviously a dangerous method that not many people would recommend.  It is also very possible to get an STD through masturbating.  We talked about all the risks of getting one in class through sexual interactions with a partner in class but never talked about the high possibility of getting one through self-interactions.  Finally there is no normal amount of masturbation, any amount that you choose to do, is normal to you.


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