Friday, January 31, 2014

The medias effect on homosexuality

The medias effect on homosexuality
By Jayshawn Pickett

The media portrays homosexuality as being totally wrong, and being the worst thing possible. People tend to judge homosexual individuals just because of their beliefs and what they consider to be morally right or wrong. This day and age you tend to see people being tortured and beaten just because they love someone of the same gender. Judging and individual because of whom they love is wrong and makes you look bad as a person, we all should be treated equally. Discriminating on someone’s sexual orientation should be frowned upon everywhere because it is very similar to racism and sexism. Our country isn’t as harsh towards homosexuality as countries such as Uganda and South Africa. There have been many videos released with homosexuals being burned to death and being shot at point blank range in other countries. Here in America homosexuals are often ridiculed and criticized which is not as harsh as other places. I still wish they were treated as heterosexuals but I realize that everyone has different opinions.
We are slowly accepting homosexuality as a whole. Some states have legalized same sex marriage and several celebrities and professional athletes have also came out about their sexuality. Over the years many more people have “came out of the closet” and have publicly displayed their sexualities. “There is a large generation gap on the issue [of same-sex marriage],” Smith said. While 64 percent of those under 30 back same-sex marriage, only 27 percent of those 70 and older support it” [1]. Homosexuality is viewed differently by older people because they tend to associate it with being a sin. Even though all sins are equal in the eyes of god, they see it as one of the worst sins known to man. Back in their day no one was really publicly open about being gay but times are changing.
Other countries are terribly cruel and do inhumane things to them. They don’t see them as individuals but as something less than dirt. “Uganda's parliament has passed a bill to toughen the punishment for homosexual acts to include life imprisonment in some cases” [1]. In Africa, being gay is punishable by law and you could even be hung for it. If law officials suspect you are a homosexual they have the right to arrest you or kill you on sight.

[1] "รข€‹Americans Move Dramatically Toward Acceptance of Homosexuality." NORC at the University of Chicago. (accessed January 31, 2014).

[2] aruhanga, Catherine. "Ugandan MPs pass life in jail anti-homosexual law." BBC News. (accessed January 31, 2014).

Origin of the term "slut" by Sara Pelletier

"Slut" is a pejorative word that we hear being thrown around entirely too often in modern day language. Although the origin is ultimately unknown, early use of the term is traced back to middle English language in the early 1400s to describe the appearance of an untidy man or untidiness. The definition of the word wasn't even used to describe promiscuous women until the early 1500s. Starting in the 1900s the word was not limited to one meaning. One of the meanings was even closer to what it is today, although the term still retained it's original meaning of untidiness. For example, garbage cans were even referred to as "slut holes." In this time it was also used to describe a female dog. Throughout time this term has become more and more offensive toward women especially. Nowadays "slut" has evolved to mean a woman who enjoys an amount of sex that is considered shameful by the public. 
Use of this highly offensive word has made slut shaming more of a common thing seen these days. This is defined as making a person feel guilty or bad for their sexual behavior and it is seen and heard almost every day. Overuse of this word has evolved it's meaning into something very offensive that could be targeted at any person regardless of gender.

Argentina Passes Gender Identity Law

Argentina Passes Gender Identity Law
by Kate Potenzano
I think my new favorite country has recently become Argentina solely because how strongly they believe in equality in genders and sexes. Argentina recently passed a cutting edge gender identity bill declaring that moving forward from this point in time, people can change their name as well as gender on their official identifications without going through the hassles of psychiatric evaluation or body changes. If anyone wants to claim a different sex or name, they are allowed to without permission from doctors or needing body modifications. Both Argentina’s public and private health systems allow access to hormones and/or surgery to anyone who does want hormones or surgery for free. What stood out to me the most in the bill is that it was passed unanimously.  55 senators agreed on making their citizens happy no matter what sex or gender they identify with, there was no one in the senate that disagreed in taking a person’s preference away from them.
“No other country in the world allows people to change their official identities based merely on how they feel.” Many other places in the world with a government system in place forces people to prove they have a so called “gender identity disorder” by going through different tests and surgeries before they can legally change their sex on official documents. Not only would they have tests done but also go through different therapies that may humiliate or hurt them not only physically but emotionally as well. This is unfair and hurtful, a person should never be embarrassed about who and what they truly identify with. People should be allowed to be comfortable in their skin and able to express themselves.
I, along with the supporters of this bill, agree that a person should be able to live under whatever sex they claim and not have to prove themselves to anyone. Who a person is should solely be decided by the person in charge of their own body. The government can not rightfully tell a person whether their insides are masculine or feminine, only a person knows what's truly in their head and heart. I do not know alot about the Argentine government system but just from learning about the creation of this law it seems like they truly care about the comfort and happiness of their people. It should not be up to the system to take away someone’s happiness if being called a name other than their birth name or claiming a different sex makes them happy, then so be it.

1. Warren, Michael. "Argentina's Gender Identity Law Takes Effect." Huff Post Gay Voices (blog), June 4, 2012. (accessed January 30, 2014).

Dictate Decisions

What gives you that power over me to dictate the decisions I should and should not be making?

By Kate Louise Potenzano

Who are you to tell me what to wear? How to act in public? What to look like?
I stumbled across this quote one of the times I was procrastinating this assignment on Tumblr.  
“My underwear doesn’t have to match. I don’t have to shave my legs for you. My tits are not yours to cover up. I’ll get whatever the f*** I want tattooed. I’ll go shirtless if I feel like it. I’ll wear a balaclava if I feel like it. I’ve only got two parents and both of them recognize my independence. See, the part you are missing is that I’m a human being and not property. Stop telling girls what they can and can’t do, they are not yours to own. If your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t like your body and what you do with it, let them find another one. If they tell you you’re fat, grab your pudge in the mirror and tell yourself you are fucking fabulous. If they tell you that your piercing is stupid, rip theirs out. If they tell you that you can’t have your tits out, ask them where the deed to your body is hidden so you can burn it. Stop being nice to people who offend you. If you’re angry, let them have it. You don’t owe anyone a smile and a polite nod.”[1]
Person A should not be telling Person B how to live their life just to make Person A happy. People should live to make themselves happy, I'm not saying just walk all over everyone else in the world just to make yourself smile but if that skimpy tank top makes you feel confident, rock it.  
After accidently finding that quote, I somehow managed to find an article titled “23 Trends Guys Hate (but Women love!)”. It gives us a list of the latest popular fashion trends that the male species apparently hate, but women are supposed to care because apparently we dress for them (according to the article at least).[2] The creators of this post also put a quote from a male under a picture example of the look. We, as people, live on average 70+ years, why waste them striving to make the other sex believe that we are aesthetically pleasing? It is repugnantly belittling to change ourselves, not wearing clothes we WANT to just because someone of the opposite sex says they don’t want to look at it. According to the poll the authors took on the males, women shouldn’t wear floppy hats OR beanies, so excuse me while I let my head freeze and the sun get in my face.2 Women should also not wear boots, heels, or fashion sneakers, so I’m guessing I should just wear flip flops all year round.
“Ditch these trends ladies, your man will be much happier!” Are you kidding me? My “man” should like me for me. In a partnership the significant other should care about what is on the inside, looks are just a bonus.
Especially regarding relationships, a boyfriend should not control their girlfriend to the point they tell them what to wear and what not to wear, same goes for girlfriends to boyfriends. Yes, significant others should be able to give their opinion but should at least respect their partner’s wishes. I was in a really unhealthy relationship my senior year of high school. My boyfriend repeatedly would tell me not to wear jeans, wear leggings instead. Wear high socks,  wear hoop earrings, dress more like this person, act more like that person. If you want me to be like other people, why are you with me?  

[1] Hola (blog), January 2, 2014.’t-have-to-match-i-don’t-have (Accessed January 25 ,2014)
[2]  Krupnick, Ellie.”23 Trends Guys Hate (But Women Love).” Huff Post Style (blog), November 18,2013. (accessed January 28, 2014)

How is social media affecting dating, and most importantly our lives?

                        By Jayshawn Pickett
Over the years, the term dating has changed drastically. In this day and age more relationships are being started online than in person. We are becoming so reliable on social media and technology to find relationships that we are becoming mentally and physically less active. It is very easy to talk to someone through a technological device and it hardly takes any effort. We are becoming less sociable and are hardly able to hold face to face conversations. If we don’t exercise these socialization muscles then we will be less likely to use them in the future. Face to face conversation is becoming a thing of the past just as speed dating has. Nowadays we are looking to social media and online dating for our lifelong partners. “The internet has opened up a new way of meeting people to those who might not have the time or the opportunity elsewhere”[1]. With a click of a button you can send numerous messages to people within 10 miles of you. This kind of feature has enabled thousands, if not millions to meet the person of their dreams.

You see many online dating sites being advertised on television which is because of the advancement of technology. They realize that people are becoming more reliable on technology and see this as a way to gain income. Instead of trying to encourage people to go out and meet someone, they are wanting us to sit behind computer screens and spend money on sites that barely work. Meeting someone online rather than face to face also raises the chance for you to be sexually assaulted. You never know who is behind the screen that you’re talking to.
 Technology has not only affected adult’s relationships, it has also negatively affected how kids have fun. “Children today have been exposed to more technology than any generation before them. The personal computer is the most modern technological invention that is like a magnet to kids”[2].  Kids nowadays rarely go outside and play which is causing a large percentage of teens and adolescents to be overweight. Instead of giving them a laptop or a tablet for Christmas parents should invest in an outside play set or a basketball which would help them in the long haul. Obesity at an early age can lead to heart disease and even diabetes. Just exercising 30mins a day can prevent these 2 deadly diseases that can lead to death in children.

[1].Telegraph Media Group. "How technology has changed dating." The Telegraph. (accessed January 31, 2014).

[2]. Rouse, James . "Blame For Teen Obesity." Blame For Teen Obesity. (accessed January 31, 2014).