Thursday, January 30, 2014

(A)sexual - Review by Brandon Russell

(A)sexual is an eye opening documentary about how so people have no sexual attraction to anyone. They do not have any desire for sex. In the documentary, they talk about how they struggle through life finding and identifying who they are and the criticism they get from people who do not understand. Anthony Bogert, a professor of community Health Sciences at Brock College , did a study in 2004 by making a survey asking who people were attracted to. Out of the 18,000 people surveyed, there were 1% of people who checked that they were neither attracted to male or female.[i] When you think about it, 1% on a big scale is actually a lot. They go on to say that a lot of people are in disbelief that asexuality is real.  Lori Brotto, professor of Gynecology at the University of British Columbia, did a research study on the psychiatric tests to try to find something linking to an illness. However, she found nothing. [ii]   It was shocking to hear, that many of the people interviewed had no desire to try intercourse and those who did try, had not in a long time and never desired to. Although, they do not desire sexual intercourse with a partner, Brotto did another study finding that asexuals masturbate just as much as heterosexuals. I find that very puzzling. Asexuals refer it to cleaning out the plumbing and not for sexual gratification. [iii] Now, asexuals are coming together as a community through a social network called Aven. Asexuals’ “symbol”, is a piece of cake because it is something that is really enjoyable and the greatest gift that is not sexual, according to the documentary. Asexuals came together and did a march along with homosexuals. It was surprising how many people did not even know their existence and after they were told, did not even believe it was real. However, some others were supportive of their movement.
Surprisingly, some asexuals still have romance or relationships with someone else. But, they do not have sex. In the documentary, they show a girl who is in a relationship with a man. They are in love and happy that they have never had sex. I do not understand how they are not attracted to anybody. But then, they can date somebody. I assume that it is strictly based on personality.

[i] Tucker, Angela. "(A)sexual." Not everybody is doing it.. Big Mouth Films Inc. June 18 2011. DVD
[ii] Tucker, Angela. "(A)sexual." Not everybody is doing it.. Big Mouth Films Inc. June 18 2011. DVD
[iii]Tucker, Angela. "(A)sexual." Not everybody is doing it.. Big Mouth Films Inc. June 18 2011. DVD

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